Monday, August 18, 2008

Baby Blues...

I started back to work this week after having three and a half months off:( It has been so hard. I feel like Addy is going to forget me!!! She is starting to smile and coo, and do all sorts of fun things now. Of course, just when she starts getting REAL fun I have to go back to work. I get through the day by watching the clock for her feedings. She eats every 4 hours, so I know that in 2 feedings I get to come home:) It really does help! Luckily, she doesn't have to go to a daycare, Brody and I have worked it out to be with her Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday we might have Russ (Kimi's husband) watch her for a few hours until Brody can get home, and Saturday my parents will have her. They can't wait!!! I am trying to find something to do from home. if anyone has any ideas, let me know. For all you moms that have to go back to work after having a baby...... IT SUCKS!!! I miss her every second!!!


Unknown said...

Oh Jenn, I know exactly how you are feeling. I am so sorry. I remember how horrible it felt to leave my babies. It was pure torture. I am glad that I will get to visit you at work though! Have you looked into applying at Jet Blue or 1-800 contacts? Both places you have about an 8 week training period, but then you work from home, and 1-800 Contacts was voted one of the best companies to work for in Utah, so check it out, the training is worth every second if you know you are going to get to be home. I am glad you like my music! I seriously have like 9000 songs on there, but I think of a new one everyday that I love...steal away, everyone needs some good music.

Love ya,

Bayles Family said...

I know! It's so sad :( I always thought that by the time I had my
2nd I would have figured a way to be home with my kids, but it's just not that easy to live on one income. You'll get through it and the time you do get to spend with Addy will be even more fun!

Kelly Nordfelt said...

Look how cute you and your little family is. I love that you commented on my blog. I was just asking someone about you not too long ago.
About staying home, if you choose to, you won't regret it. Being able to be with my kids all day couldn't be more rewarding. Your baby is a doll. Keep in touch!

Keri Hennefer said...

Oh I am so sorry that you have to go back to work! I bet it is so hard to leave your cute little baby! Just love every minute that you get to spend with her!

Team Fraser said...

Awe the hell hole...gotta love it! I am toally dreading going back to work and its still 8 weeks away...

utahtripletfamily said...

I'm sorry Jenn. That bites.
Well, it might sound weird, especially since we haven't talked a lot in a while, but I'll help out if you need me to. I'm home all day, every day.

No pressure!
PS BSB4eva

Halley said...

I am so sorry Jenn! That TOTALLY sucks! Here's the plan: I'll go on Deal or No Deal for you, win lots of money and give some of it to you so you can quit work and be with Addy ALL THE TIME! :) Sound good? :) Seriously though, it must be so hard leaving her. I can't even imagine.

Halley said...

I know, hello people! It's supossed to be about the dog! :) I have to let you in on a little secret too; Nate would go around NAKED all the time if I let him. He just LOVES his own skin. What a weirdo! :)

The Keeles said...

Ya I totally know your pain. I dont know of anything you can do from home but I hope you find something!